He sits completely on his own and is like THISCLOSE to standing up completely on his own. Just this week he has started to make a crawling movement - but the only problem is that we are going BACKWARDS. He has managed to get himself stuck in under the sofa and the china cabinet just this week. He is also SOOOOO smiley. As soon as the camera comes out he is all smiles - which makes photo ops a lot easier.
I am not sure how much he weighs yet - I will have Christopher weigh him tomorrow and I'll give you an update. He is wearing some 6-9 month clothes, mainly 9 months, and some 12 months (just because they are cute and he'll have room to grow). It is crazy to see him standing beside of the rhino that he used to not be anywhere near as big as. He is also taking some steps while holding onto our hands and can EASILY pull himself to standing if he has you there to help him.
One of the very cutest relationships to watch develop has been the one between Caden and Chloe. He LOVES her. And she loves him.... most of the time. :) They are so cute together.
They sit in the floor and Caden pets her while Chloe licks him. SO precious. I sure do love them both.