Lilypie Second Birthday tickers

Lilypie - Personal pictureLilypie Second Birthday tickers

Tuesday, February 8, 2011

Our adventure into... Travelling with an Infant.

Because we have family that live elsewhere we have taken Caden on three separate trips since he was born. The first time we travelled with him he was only two months old. Though I am far from an expert - there are some things that I have learned that I feel I should share.

1. This is a time for PAIRS. Caution! Do NOT try this alone. IF you must try it alone, I would suggest doing it at nighttime so the baby will sleep. For us, we travel in teams. Personally, I can not see how it would work otherwise.

Picture this: Driving down the road - pouring rain - screaming baby - unable to access the backseat or even really see how the baby is doing because those mirrors that show you him don't actually work when you're driving at nightime or in the rain and others lights are on. How can you be both super safe driver AND mommy of the year?!?

You CAN'T. (Or at least I know I can't) So you need two. For two of our journeys we were lucky enough to both be able to go, but for the third journey - I enlisted the help of a friend who is COMPLETELY out of her mind someone I can always count on. And. We. Survived.

2. You must bring your home with you. Suddenly you are responsbile for bringing everything that your baby could/would/should need to make it through your journey. Though none of our trips have lasted more than 3 days - I have found that it takes the same amount of baby STUFF to last one night as it does three. So you are forced to pack up the packandplay. boppypillow. outfits. bibs. burpcloths. diapers. pacifiers. entertainmentforthebaby. BIBS(we use QUITE a few of those in our household). Pretty much just bring along everythingthatyouuseonadailybasisthatyoumightjustpossiblyneed. SIGH. It can be exhausting. But trust me - this is one place where planning ahead will HELP you more than you can realize. Bring out the kitchen sink - you're probably going to need it.

3. You must not only think that you need to bring these things - but also think about WHERE you are going to put them in the car. Baby is spitting up do you really want the only other outfits you have to be buried under all of the junk in the trunk? The answer is no. Make one bag that is easily accessible. Or at least make sure your diaper bag is WELL STOCKED.

4. Be FLEXIBLE. There is no way that you can COMPLETELY stick to your schedule when you are in someone else's place - however, at the same time, remember you are the only advocate for your baby - so don't be afraid to speak up and say when you need to get your baby to sleep or if you need to have them TURN THE NOISE DOWN. :) Not that I'm speaking from experience or anything.

Overall, when you're preparing to travel, know that you WILL survive. It IS possible to keep your baby in somewhat of their normal routine. And in the end... home is ALWAYS waiting for you on the other side.

1 comment:

  1. best part? It only gets harder :) I'd travel alone with a tiny baby ANY DAY over an opinionated toddler, LOL. Although it is perspective. Definitely less stuff when they get older, but the opinions!!! Glad to hear you have made it so far :)
