Lilypie Second Birthday tickers

Lilypie - Personal pictureLilypie Second Birthday tickers

Sunday, February 13, 2011

FOUR months!

So, you can tell that life is at least a LITTLE less crazy, because this post is actually ON TIME! Caden was four months old yesterday. At this point he is a BUNDLE of life. :) This is what life is like in our household...

  1. As of Friday night Caden has moved from the little bed that was in our room into his big crib in his own room. This has been a WONDERFUL move for everyone involved. He now goes down for the night about 9:15pm and stays asleep until around 6:15am. Nine blissful hours. I know this could be temporary - but let me tell you - we are savoring it while we can.

  2. We have also added in 1-2 lay down naps during the day (prior to this he would fall asleep here and there with someone holding him, and we could lay him down on the Boppy for a bit...) but this is scheduled "ish" - typically around noon. Again, I never knew I could savor one short hour of my life so much - OR get so much done!

  3. Cloth diapering is still great - and I try to tell anyone and everyone I can how much I LOVE IT. We have even managed to travel using only cloth on THREE different occassions. It really has become just another regular part of our life.

  4. As for his wardrobe, it is getting bigger and bigger each day. No - I haven't start shopping - it's that little man is getting BIGGER AND BIGGER - requiring larger clothes! Now we are in some 3 months, but mainly 3-6 month clothes.

  5. During the past month Caden has become a lot more active. He is talking up a storm and LOVES people. He also has started to like tummy time, has gotten really good head control, and ROLLED OVER for the first time (tummy to back)! YAY!

  6. He loves his play gym, but his favorite two toys are his Baby Einstein lion and his glowing Fisher Price Seahorse.

  7. With all of the postitive things, the one big issue we are having is SPIT up. YUCK. We go through at least 4-6 bibs a day. He is healthy and fine - but lots of spit up can ruin an outing... and an outfit. Hopefully this mellows out soon...

  8. Last Friday night we had him weighed and he was 14 pounds! We go for formal stats Wednesday this week, so I will update you guys. (As well as load our 4 month photos... I know you're excited!)

Until then... thanks for reading... and for loving us. :) You are all amazing.

1 comment:

  1. I love it!! And him + you!!! Cannot wait to see you all again, sooner rather than later. :)
