Lilypie Second Birthday tickers

Lilypie - Personal pictureLilypie Second Birthday tickers

Thursday, January 13, 2011

THREE months!

This post can serve as a testiment to how NOTHING in my life seems to get done on time these days. I was telling someone the other day that I feel like I am never on time anymore. For most of you who know me well, you know this is something that makes me feel QUITE uneasy. I frequently find myself either 20 minutes early or 20 minutes late - and these days it tends to (almost always) be on the late side. All I can say is that there is a LOT involved with getting our little man ready to roll out the door. But alas, no excuses, it is something I am aware of and working on.

Caden turned 3 months old on January 12th (meaning that I am going to be writing his 4 month post here shortly...) but I did want to do a brief recap on life during his third month. It is hard to believe that my sweet little baby is THREE months old. I mean, seriously, I look at his in the pictures of his first few months - and check out the differences. Holy cow.

Three months old - December 24, 2010

It. Blows. My. Mind.

In the third month he is:
  1. Best estimate is that he is about 11 or 12 pounds. He still eats every 3 hours... and is eating 4.5 ounces at a time. BF is still going on, but has become much more difficult since going back to work... ::sigh::
  2. Wearing mainly 0-3 month clothes. But they are starting to get TIGHT because of length. He is grooooooooooooowing. Man.
  3. Talking up a storm. "Ooooohhh... Ahhhhh.... Oooohaahhh..." - such a precious sound (except when it is going on during church services or other QUIET events!)
  4. Pushing up and starting to enjoy tummy time (which is better than before when he would scream when placed on his stomach).
  5. Finally enjoying bathtime - which is a delight. He coos and splashes (sometimes) and just seems overall content. MUCH better than the SCREAAAAAAAAAAAAMING that previously occurred.
  6. Recognizing who we are and smiles BIG BIG smiles at us when we come into the room. Probably the best part of my day is when I first come to his crib in the morning and he smiles up at me... and then when I get home from work in the afternoon and he comes to my arms from the sitter. I. Love. It.

Each day with him is more precious than the day before. I love it. Can't wait to keep updating you all! :) But for now, this mommy MUST sleep.

Three months old - January 12, 2011

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